

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Baby girl is all grown up!

I cant believe the time has flow by. All 3 of my kids are older and are on different journeys. But today I am reflecting on my oldest. Shes getting married in 62 days. It seems like yesterday I was watching her play softball, fixing scraped knees or icing ankles.

Yesterday she had a family bridal shower hosted by her 4 future sister n laws. Yes 4. shes gaining another family that is arge in size and has big hearts full of love for her. I am so happy for her. I am happy she has found a young man who loves her so much. I can see by the way he looks at her, the way they laugh together. They compliment each other very well. God has had a hand in this and I am excited to see what their future will be.

Maybe its a mom thing, but I get teary eyed to see her future play out. Maybe its because of my own failures with my relationship with my mom and my daughter Kayla. I do know this, she has a good head on her shoulders and and I belive she is going to be very happy. When your kids are happy your happy. So in 62 days she is going to be very happy and I can't wait to be a part of her day!